Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dates for the new tests?

Well the million dollar question is when will the new fitness tests actually start?

It depends which day you ask!

The 'deal' will be done at the end of July and new tests were scheduled to start in August, but, it has been decided to start advertising the introduction of the new tests in August for a 12 week period prior to actually commencing those new tests.

This advertising period will allow applicants the required time they need to get fit and prepare specifically for these tests before they actually get introduced.

So, this means late October, early November. In the meantime applicants should concentrate only on the agility test. You will get 12 weeks notice before they spring any new tests on people so don't panic!

Any dramas, drop me a line at


Sunday, June 1, 2008

The current agility test

Hi guys & gals,

to avoid any confusion!

the current (until August 2008) fitness test for Victoria Police applicants is the agility test (obstacle course) and swimming. I have clients who I'm currently training for this agility test as well as new clients who are preparing for the new fitness tests (commencing in August). Give me a buzz to chat about your individual circumstances. The timing of your application will determine which test you are going to have to attempt. I will help you work this out and ensure you are preparing for the correct test for your circumstances.

I am currently working on a video to demonstrate all of the new tests as well as considering making training programs available for applicants to use at their own pace should you want to do your own preparation.

Come back for a visit soon to keep up to speed with the latest news and information!

Check out this new page on my website which outlines the current agility test in detail:
