Thursday, August 21, 2008

Finally it's official!

Okay, it's now official so I can let you know the facts!

Victoria Police has 'officially' changed it's fitness testing procedure for applicants wishing to join Victoria Police.

There will be two more current agility tests before the "new fitness testing' commences. September 21st, then October 12th. The first of the new fitness test will be conducted in November 2008.

For information on the new fitness tests check out the link below. I will be adding video of each of the tests within the next couple of days to assist you in your understanding of what to expect. I have also been working on a comprehensive prep training manual for applicants which will be made up of both video and written sections. This will include the ideal exercises to build up the necessary strength and fitness required to pass the tests.

Will the new tests be easier or harder than the obstacle course?

Arh, the million dollar question. The reality is, it will be easier for some people but harder for others. Either way; preparation, preparation, preparation!!

Here's the link which outlines the new tests:

There is also a good explanation of the beep test on this blog page. More videos to come very shortly!


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